
Closing the Preparedness Gap

Insights from global Security and IT leaders cite cloud complexity, Zero Trust, AI, and visibility gaps as top security challenges.

Hybrid Cloud Complexity, Encryption, and Blind Spots Make Breaches Hard to Detect

Despite efforts organizations make to secure hybrid cloud infrastructure, existing security tools fall short, detecting just 1 in 3 breaches. Even when breaches were detected, it was often too late. 25 percent of organizations were unable to identify the root cause or respond in real time.

This survey reveals vulnerabilities in organizations' cybersecurity preparedness with 8 in 10 agreeing that cloud complexity is increasing their cyber risk. As a result, 8 in 10 describe gaining visibility into lateral East-West and encrypted traffic as a top priority.

Against this challenging backdrop, 84 percent of respondents agree that deep observability is a foundational element to building a more robust cloud security posture. We are struggling to gain visibility into encrypted traffic to detect vulnerabilities across our hybrid cloud infrastructure.

Key Learnings


Organizations are not prepared

1 in 3 organizations failed to detect a breach with existing security tools in the last 12 months


Tools stacks need an overhaul

69 percent of Security and IT leaders report being overwhelmed by tool sprawl


Zero Trust continues to gain momentum

80 percent of organizations state Zero Trust is a key priority over the next 18 months


Deep observability continues to be a top priority

8 in 10 organizations agree that deep observability is a foundational element to cloud security


Threat actors are successfully hiding in East-West traffic

Three-quarters agree that lateral East-West visibility is more important to cloud security than North-South

The CISO Perspective


CISOs are the driving force behind an organizations’ security and risk mitigation strategy and posture. This report outlines the top concerns of over 200 CISOs surveyed and why visibility is fundamental to resolving all three.

CISOs are under pressure
Pressure from the board to achieve Zero Trust was ranked the number 1 concern

CISOs are alerted too late
Over half (53 percent) of CISOs stated they were first alerted to a breach by users not being able to access applications

CISOs are more aware of the dangers lurking in encrypted traffic
7 in 10 CISOs report struggling with encrypted traffic

Chaim Mazal

“CISOs are quickly becoming the face of their organizations’ AI, physical security, and general technology strategies. In today’s world, this ever-broadening scope leaves CISOs responsible for a disproportionate amount of overall business strategy, often without the necessary resources and support.”

Chaim Mazal, Gigamon Chief Security Officer
