
Eliminate Blind Spots in Lateral (East-West) Traffic

Gain deep observability, enhance performance monitoring, and strengthen your organization's security posture.

Establish Effective Security and Monitoring Postures

Organizations are monitoring hybrid cloud infrastructure in an increasingly challenging cybersecurity threat landscape.

Traditional perimeter security architectures that rely on log-based security tools provide an incomplete view of what is happening once traffic enters the infrastructure. 

Cloud-first organizations require deep observability into all hybrid cloud network traffic. The Gigamon Deep Observability Pipeline enables: 

  • Effective security and performance monitoring by combining proven analysis strategies with efficient access to network-derived intelligence
  • Instant identification of applications communicating across hybrid cloud infrastructure
  • Simplified access to traffic that is difficult to analyze, including encrypted, container-to-container, and VM-to-VM traffic
  • Deep observability into all lateral traffic across hybrid cloud infrastructure, spanning virtual, physical, public cloud, and container workloads


Why East-West Visibility is the Key to Strengthening Your Security Posture

How Gigamon Can Help

Gigamon uniquely supports organizations by helping to eliminate security blind spots in lateral traffic, helping them to gain an effective security and monitoring posture. Regardless of the scale or complexity of an organization’s hybrid cloud infrastructure, Gigamon can access and efficiently deliver network-derived intelligence from lateral traffic across hybrid cloud infrastructure to various tools that are being used for security and performance monitoring. This enables teams to proactively analyze and respond to issues through a deep observability strategy that integrates traditional log-based tools with access to network intelligence derived from lateral traffic. This combination extends the value of existing investments in security and monitoring tools, making them more efficient and effective.

Detect Port Spoofing

Reveal concealed threat activity in lateral traffic by looking beyond port information to accurately identify which applications packets are using.

Acquire Application Observability

The integration of log-based data with application metadata intelligence enables organizations to fully understand what applications are currently running and where they can be found to identify security risks and enhance performance.

Secure Virtual Infrastructure

Gain deep observability into encrypted traffic communication between VMs and containers to eliminate blind spots across your hybrid cloud infrastructure.


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