Erweitern Sie Ihre Observability-Tools mit verwertbaren Informationen auf Netzwerkebene, um das volle Transformationspotenzial der Cloud zu realisieren.
Vereinfachen, sichern und skalieren Sie Ihre Hybrid-Cloud-Infrastruktur, um digitale Innovationen zu beschleunigen.
Gigamon Vertriebs- und Umsetzungspartner entwickeln, implementieren und optimieren gemeinsame Best-of-Breed- und validierte Kombinationslösungen.
Unser globales Support-Team verpflichtet sich dazu, Erfahrungen von beispielloser Qualität, Skalierbarkeit und Effizienz zu schaffen.
Gigamon unterstützt die anspruchsvollsten Unternehmen und Behörden der Welt bei der Nutzung verwertbarer Informationen auf Netzwerkebene, um die Leistungsfähigkeit ihrer Cloud-, Sicherheits- und Observability-Tools zu erhöhen.
Ihre zentrale Anlaufstelle, um Inhaltsressourcen zu erkunden und bei der Steigerung der Leistungsfähigkeit Ihrer Cloud-, Sicherheits- und Observability-Tools auf dem neusten Stand zu bleiben.
Gigamon bietet eine fortschrittliche tiefgreifende Observability-Pipeline, die verwertbare Informationen auf Netzwerkebene nutzt, um die Leistung Ihrer Cloud-, Security- und Observability-Tools zu verstärken.
Santa Clara, Calif. – June 18, 2024 — Gigamon, a leader in deep observability, today published its 2024 Hybrid Cloud Security Report, revealing vulnerabilities in organizations’ preparedness to defend against increasingly sophisticated cyberthreats and attacks. The annual survey of over 1,000 Security and IT leaders across Australia, France, Germany, Singapore, UK, and the USA, shows a decline in detection and response capabilities year-on-year (YoY) compared to the company’s 2023 Hybrid Cloud Security Report. As hybrid cloud environments grow in complexity and threat actors launch a barrage of concealed attacks, 65 percent of respondents believe their existing security tooling cannot effectively detect breaches.
Security and IT leaders are at a crucial juncture. The specter of AI-powered cyber attacks looms globally, with 82 percent of respondents predicting that AI will increase the global ransomware threat. And yet, despite global information security spending projected to reach $215 billion in 2024, only half (54 percent) of organizations feel “strongly prepared” to respond to unauthorized access to their hybrid cloud environments.
CISOs Turn to Boards, Prioritize Encrypted Visibility to Help Address Today’s Threats
The research also delves into the insights of 234 CISOs globally. The results highlight that CISOs continue to bear the burden of regulatory and technological pressures, with 69 percent of CISOs reporting they struggle to detect encrypted threats, compared to 59 percent of the total respondents. An alarming 70 percent of CISOs believe their tools aren’t as effective as they could be in detecting breaches, and as a result 59 percent say they would be most empowered by cyber risk becoming a boardroom priority.
Key Findings Highlight Cybersecurity Preparedness Gap
“It is clear that organizations’ tool stacks are falling short, enabling threat actors to exploit blind spots to breach and extort their victims without fear of detection,” said Chaim Mazal, CSO at Gigamon. “Consider that just 1 in 4 organizations can detect and remediate a live threat. Without real-time, network-derived intelligence and insights into all data in motion, including East-West and encrypted traffic, bad actors will continue to wreak havoc, now with AI accelerating their efforts.”
About the survey
The 2024 Hybrid Cloud Security survey was commissioned by Gigamon and fielded in collaboration with Vitreous World. The data is based on findings of an online survey of 1,033 global respondents Mar. 22- Apr. 6, 2024.
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About Gigamon
Gigamon® offers a deep observability pipeline that efficiently delivers network-derived intelligence to cloud, security, and observability tools. This helps eliminate security blind spots and reduce tool costs, enabling you to better secure and manage your hybrid cloud infrastructure. Gigamon serves more than 4,000 customers worldwide, including over 80 percent of Fortune 100 enterprises, 9 of the 10 largest mobile network providers, and hundreds of governments and educational organizations worldwide. To learn more, please visit