Erweitern Sie Ihre Observability-Tools mit verwertbaren Informationen auf Netzwerkebene, um das volle Transformationspotenzial der Cloud zu realisieren.
Vereinfachen, sichern und skalieren Sie Ihre Hybrid-Cloud-Infrastruktur, um digitale Innovationen zu beschleunigen.
Gigamon Vertriebs- und Umsetzungspartner entwickeln, implementieren und optimieren gemeinsame Best-of-Breed- und validierte Kombinationslösungen.
Unser globales Support-Team verpflichtet sich dazu, Erfahrungen von beispielloser Qualität, Skalierbarkeit und Effizienz zu schaffen.
Gigamon unterstützt die anspruchsvollsten Unternehmen und Behörden der Welt bei der Nutzung verwertbarer Informationen auf Netzwerkebene, um die Leistungsfähigkeit ihrer Cloud-, Sicherheits- und Observability-Tools zu erhöhen.
Ihre zentrale Anlaufstelle, um Inhaltsressourcen zu erkunden und bei der Steigerung der Leistungsfähigkeit Ihrer Cloud-, Sicherheits- und Observability-Tools auf dem neusten Stand zu bleiben.
Gigamon bietet eine fortschrittliche tiefgreifende Observability-Pipeline, die verwertbare Informationen auf Netzwerkebene nutzt, um die Leistung Ihrer Cloud-, Security- und Observability-Tools zu verstärken.
Santa Clara, Calif. – April 3, 2024 — Gigamon, a leading deep observability company, has been recognized again as a leading vendor in the deep observability market with 63 percent market share and 43 percent YoY growth in 2023, according to a newly published report by market intelligence research firm 650 Group. Overall, the deep observability market grew 61 percent in 2023 and continued to expand as organizations increasingly embrace hybrid cloud infrastructure, with a forecasted CAGR of 40 percent and projected revenue of nearly $2B in 2028, according to the report.
According to the 2023 Hybrid Cloud Security report, today one in three CISOs lack confidence in where their most sensitive data is stored, and how it’s secured. Threat actors are taking advantage of these security gaps, presenting a serious business risk as encrypted traffic cannot be sufficiently analyzed and cyberthreats cannot be proactively detected with existing cloud, security, and observability tools as this data traverses internally, externally, and laterally across an organization’s hybrid cloud infrastructure. This ever-evolving threat landscape is continuing to fuel significant growth in the deep observability market as organizations prioritize gaining visibility into all data in motion as a critical foundation for their security strategies.
The Gigamon Deep Observability Pipeline efficiently delivers network-derived intelligence to cloud, security, and observability tools, helping customers to eliminate security blind spots and better secure and manage their hybrid cloud infrastructure. This unique and pervasive view provides deep observability into traffic traversing hybrid and multi-cloud infrastructure, delivering greater security and performance optimization. To date, more than 4,000 organizations worldwide have relied on Gigamon to proactively secure and manage their hybrid cloud infrastructure.
Delivering Deep Observability Across Hybrid Cloud Infrastructure and Applications
Organizations like University Health Network increasingly rely on Gigamon to help address the need for visibility into East-West lateral traffic traversing their complex, hybrid cloud infrastructure. According to Kajeevan Rajanayagam, director of cybersecurity at University Health Network, “Visibility is the most important thing for any security team. The sooner we can catch something, the sooner we can isolate the incident and prevent it from causing damage. In the last six months, Gigamon has helped identify a couple of potentially costly ransomware attacks.”
“Last year we saw the impact of new cybersecurity threats, with public coverage of breaches, ransomware, and data leaks,” said Alan Weckel, founder and technology analyst at 650 Group. “These vulnerabilities make deep observability, and the East-West visibility it provides into encrypted traffic, a critical foundation for all organizational operations, driving demand in today’s security and IT budgets. Gigamon maintained its leadership position with its Deep Observability Pipeline, bringing an innovative approach to securing and managing modern hybrid cloud infrastructure.”
About the 650 Group Deep Observability Report
The deep observability market is an emerging segment within the observability market and includes probes and agents sold as standalone systems and charged separately from other observability systems, according to 650 Group. Additional qualifiers for inclusion in the deep observability report include:
Key findings from the 650 Group’s “Deep Observability Quarterly Market and Long-Term Forecast Report” include:
About Gigamon
Gigamon® offers a deep observability pipeline that efficiently delivers network-derived intelligence to cloud, security, and observability tools. This helps eliminate security blind spots and reduce tool costs, enabling you to better secure and manage your hybrid cloud infrastructure. Gigamon serves more than 4,000 customers worldwide, including over 80 percent of Fortune 100 enterprises, 9 of the 10 largest mobile network providers, and hundreds of governments and educational organizations worldwide. To learn more, please visit
About 650 Group
650 Group is a leading Market Intelligence Research firm for communications, data center, and cloud markets. Our team has decades of research experience, has worked in the technology industry, and is actively involved in standards bodies. 650 Group focuses on leading-edge market trends and research and prides itself on first to market research with over 12 research programs focused on Cloud trends. For more information, visit:
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