
Economic Uncertainty:
IT Budgets Constrained, Cut, or Frozen?

Learn how to reduce your network and security tools costs by 50 percent now.

See How You Can Stretch Tool Efficiency to Save Millions

With increasing economic headwinds, planning for uncertainly is a top priority. Whether you're a small or large organization, IT budgets are sure to come under heightened scrutiny and are at risk of being frozen or reduced, even as the volume of network traffic is expected to continue increasing.

Do you have a network security and monitoring tools line item in your budget? If so, you can apply a range of traffic optimization techniques to make your current tools 2-5 times more efficient, without reducing their effectiveness. The result? You can potentially reduce your tools budget by 50 percent or more—a savings of more than a million dollars over the first year for the typical mid-sized Gigamon customer1. The charts below show the cumulative tool spend savings over five years for two data centers with various tool types.

The ROI payback period to implement traffic optimization is typically less than nine months1 with the potential for millions of dollars in cost savings over the lifetime of your tools. In some cases, the investment pays for itself on day one through maintenance cost savings.

mid-sized healthcare datacenter with 3 tool types chart
fortune 1000 multi-datacenter with 6 tool types

Cumulative Tool Spend Savings with Traffic Optimization

Whether a large or small tool stack, Gigamon customers consistently achieve significant cost savings utilizing traffic optimization techniques.

How Are These Cost Savings Achieved?

Realize savings from optimizing network traffic to tools, without compromising fidelity, by:

Eliminating duplicate packets

Filtering traffic from low-risk applications

Using other techniques like advanced flow slicing

The figure above shows how four different traffic optimization techniques used successively reduce irrelevant traffic significantly.

Gigamon Customers Achieve Significant Savings by Reducing Irrelevant Traffic

The case for Gigamon solutions is backed by real-world experiences at thousands of customers small and large around the world.

Calculate Your Potential Cost Savings Now


Network Tools Efficiency Wizard

network tools efficiency wizard

Generate an estimated network tool cost savings forecast for your data centers with outputs like the chart above in less than five minutes using the Network Tools Efficiency Wizard.


Network Efficiency Appraisal Team

NEAT team

Gigamon can provide a complimentary* analysis of your network traffic onsite to determine exactly how much your network traffic can be optimized. We'll generate a precise annualized forecast of your tool spend and your savings.

*Qualified organizations as determined in initial consultation (criteria includes size of organization and number of tool types deployed). Limited time deployment.